In the last episode of our podcast, I shared this prophetic clue for 2024:
It’s your year to shift the permission God has in your life.
As I concluded the episode, I also said you have options. You can cancel His permission. You can control His permission to some areas but not others. Hopefully, however, you’ll opt to be cooperative and give Him access to all areas, all the time.
My friend, whether you realize it or not, you have free will. That’s a fancy way of saying that God won’t force you to do anything. Though He makes incredible offers, He will leave the final decision with you.
Today, I’m writing to encourage you to choose God. Eliminate the parameters you have in place that restrict Him, and give Him full access. Choose to be cooperative.
What does that look like? I’m glad you asked because it’s the perfect setup for the rest of this blog post. Here’s a great example I found in the Bible.
Then Mary took a whole pint of pure nard, poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped them with her hair. The sweet smell of perfume filled the whole house (John 12:3, GNT).
Let’s unpack this excerpt and extract a livable pattern.
- Resources: Mary had some very expensive perfume, her hair, and her hands.
- Redirect: Instead of using these resources for herself, she prioritized serving the Lord Jesus with them.
- Reverence: The smell of the perfume was obvious where they were. Mary’s resource brought attention to Lord Jesus.
Did you catch the pattern. Here it is more clearly. Redirect your resources so they cause others to reverence God.
Now, I’ll share practical ways to use the pattern.
- Resources: What do you have that is readily accessible? How much of it do you have? Where is it normally located?
- Redirect: How can you use the resource(s) you identified differently?
- Reverence: How can you honor God as you redirect the resource(s)? In what ways can the resource make a big deal about Him?
My friend, you have so many resources God can use. 2024 is the year to recognize the resources you can redirect to bring reverence to Him. Don’t cancel or control it; rather, cooperate and let Him receive glory through your stewardship of resources.
Give glory to God! And if you need a partner to help facilitate the journey, please reach out to me at I would love to help you discover the resources you can redirect to show Him reverence.