… This king will not judge people by the way things look. He will not judge by listening to rumors (Isaiah 11:3, ERV).
Kevin Hart stepped down as the host of the 91st Academy Awards last week after public outcry from insensitive comments he made 10 years ago. This scenario reminds us that our words will follow us. Worse, it reminds us that people will hold you hostage to poor decisions you’ve made in the past.
What if God treated us like that? What if He held us hostage to our past decisions? He knows everything we’ve ever done, so what He could hold us hostage to is mind-boggling. He knows things we’re aware of and many that we’re not. If anyone has a reason to be offended at us, it’s Him!
Thankfully, God is not like us. This verse from Isaiah, which is a prophecy about Jesus, shows just that. Jesus does not judge us by the way things look, neither does He judge us by listening to what others say about us. He judges by what God sees in us. He loves us when others would rather leave us. He is the ever-loyal friend, the brother available to help in our times of need.
As we approach the Christmas season, let’s be a breath of fresh air. Strive to be like Jesus. When people say offensive things, give them another chance. If people have a storied past, forget it. When people seem like they are beyond hope, believe they can be better. That’s what Jesus does, and it’s His expectation of anyone who loves Him. Let’s be more like Jesus!