Become What You Believe

He touched their eyes and said, “Become what you believe” (Matthew 9:29,  MSG).

I feel led to write to people who have a vision that looks drastically different than your present circumstances.  I agree with you.  Better is possible.  You can become what you believe.


In the verse included with this post, Jesus encounters two men who had a vision of better.  They were blind, but they believed He could give them sight.  Notice Jesus’ response to them, “Become what you believe” (Matthew 9:29, MSG).  He blessed them to receive precisely what they envisioned.
I just wanted to take a few moments to encourage you.  The better life you envision is possible.  Although it may not happen expeditiously, it will happen eventually.  Let me remind you of the words God shared with Habakkuk: “If it seems slow in coming, wait.  It’s on its way.  It will come right on time” (Habakkuk 2:3, MSG).  With God’s help, you will become what you believe!