Ever wonder how God always sees the best in you?
It’s not because He’s a hopeless optimist. As I shared on the latest episode of our podcast, it’s because He always views us through the lens of our potential. That’s how He can say things like:
I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for (Jeremiah 29:11, GNT).
Contextually, He shared those words with people enduring a 70-years long difficulty. 70 years. Yet, He spoke to them like that ordeal wasn’t active.
Friends, God can speak outside of your reality so well because He also wrote your script. That’s right. God wrote a best-selling, box office smashing, feature presentation starring you. Every decision made and word declared by God stems from that epic narrative.
Notice this verse:
… you saw me before I was born. The days allotted to me had all been recorded in your book, before any of them ever began (Psalm 139:16, GNT).
God has a version of your life that you haven’t seen. It includes every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, and year of your life. When He looks at you, He sees the pages in His book allotted to you. He sees the finale He always envisioned – you and Him changing your life and world for the better!
Therefore, when God invites you to His-sized and -styled results in 2025, He’s inviting you to step into your appointed spot in His script. When you reflect on His invitation, here’s what you should consider:
- God is STRATEGIC. What He shares is intended to shift you into the next step of the journey to our potential. Imagine Him looking at the pages of your best-selling narrative, giving you point-by-point direction from one page to the next.
- You must SUBMIT. When God offers direction, it’s your invitation to yield. Drivers know that yield doesn’t mean go as you were beforehand, full speed ahead. Instead, yield means slow down enough to merge into oncoming traffic safely. When you yield to God, you slow down, suspend, or abort the journey you were taking and align with where God has already approved for you to go.
As you embrace this year, the appointed time to get to your spot, know that God will offer guidance. It’s never intended to sidetrack or discourage you. On the contrary, He’s guiding you from the script that leads to destiny.
Remember that He’s strategic. He’s moving you from one page to the next.
Remember that you must submit. His plan requires your participation. Slow down, suspend, and abort the journey you were taking and align with His.
I’ll be back soon with more guidance to help you #shiftandthrivein2025. Until then, reach out to me at info@induranceministries.com if you need help discovering what’s in your script. I’d love to be a trusted partner as you step into your spot in 2025!
Scripture quotations in this publication are from the Good News Translation in Today’s English Version – Second Edition Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society. Used by Permission.